DPF Cleaning Service

DPF Cleaning Professionals

We are proud to announce that Sure Start Autos can provide you with full DPF cleaning and maintenance using specialist equipment and providing the best results on the market.

Take some time to learn a bit more about what a DPF is and a few common signs that you can look out for to ensure yours is operating smoothly and effectively.

Get in touch with our team of professionals today to book in your vehicle with our team and to request a free quotation for any of our services.

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DPF Cleaning

What is a DPF Filter?

A filter thats captures the soot produced from the exhaust to reduce the carbon emissions of your vehicle. DPF's can fail through regular short trips, not allowing the filter to get hot enough to efficiently burn off the soot. This will, in turn, cause the soot to build up within the filter.

What are the signs of a blocked DPF?

Reduced Power

One of the most obvious signs that your vehicle could benefit from a DPF clean is a drop in power. Often once your car detects a build-up in the DPF it can cause the whole car to go into limp home mode. This means that you will see a drastic reduction in acceleration.

Stop/ Start System Disabled

Another sign you will be able to check while driving is no longer having the benefit of stop/start technology while stood still.

what will we do?

  • Remove DPF off vehicle
  • Soak DPF with special fluids
  • Clean DPF with DPF Cleaning System
  • Dry DPF with heath Tunnel
  • Apply Protection
  • Fit DPF back on vehicle.
  • Reset all of the values.
  • Job done.

Talk to a professional

Get in touch with our team today by either calling directly using the phone number below or fill out the contact form to request a call back at a time that suits you. Leave your name, phone number and the problem you are experiencing from your vehicle and one of our team will be in touch to discuss.

01302 340 467


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